How You Can Make Your Wedding Dress Last Forever
When you purchase a wedding dress, the average cost will be over $1300, and will likely be one of the most valuable and expensive articles of clothing that you will ever own. It is one of the few tangible items that have a special meaning, one that you may refer to for many years after you have experienced your big day. Once you have spent all of this money, and invested energy and time in perfecting this new dress, you will likely want to preserve it for as long as possible.
By properly preserving your dress, this can ensure many things, including special moments to come which may include your daughter wearing it on a special day of her own or potentially your granddaughter using it for a similar purpose.
Here are a few tips that you can use that can help you maintain the shape, fabric, and color of this stress that you have purchased.
Top priority for this wedding: Always handle this wedding dress as carefully as possible
It should be noted that when you are preserving your wedding dress, this preservation process happens long before the person wearing it walks down the proverbial aisle. It could be that this big day has not yet occurred, and if that is the case you need to use these suggestions to make sure it is in top condition, plus maintains the exact look that you wanted to have once this day arrives:
Handling this stress with exceeding care is one of the best ways for making sure a wedding dress is preserved and that it will last for a long time.
Try To Avoid Staining This Garment
By avoiding certain substances that could potentially stain the dress prior to the wedding day, you can help avoid this potential problem. Even the pollen emitted by flowers can stain the dress, something that most people do not realize. Super potent types of pollen, such as flowers from a Lilly, can be quite detrimental. It is possible for a florist, for example, to remove the pollen using shears, but if there are closed up buds that suddenly decide to open up when the person is walking down the aisle, this could also cause significant problems. It is important to speak with your florist to ensure that the buds are not there, plus you should assign a bridesmaid with the responsibility of snipping buds that are found.
Try To Provide Safe Transportation
The correct garment bag must be used to transport the dress. Using acid free tissue paper, preferably the colorless type, should be used when wrapping the embellishments which can be crucial. Saving labels is also very important: once you are ready to have it cleaned, it is important that the wedding gown specialist sees this information.
It is so important to be very patient in the final moments: Wearing the dress should be at the end of the list of things to do prior to walking through that door. Avoid drinks, food substances, hairspray, and also makeup which can adversely stain the dress during the preparation process. Rayons and silk can be highly susceptible to staining, plus they are extremely water sensitive.
Once the wedding is done: You need to store the dress right away
Tips On Preserving Your Wedding Dress For The Long Term
You should thank God if your wedding dresses are able to avoid damage as you go throughout this special wedding day. In all likelihood, you are not going to make a trip to the cleaners after the reception as concluded. It is important to keep it safe, and by following these suggestions, you can do just that:
Find and utilize a garment bag
Plastic bags can trap moisture to avoid using them. If there is moisture, mildew and mold may develop. There may also be fumes that can cause your gown to turn yellow. By using the correct garment bag, and keeping it from direct light, these are crucial steps you need to take to preserve your wedding dress.
Always keep it flat: Preferably the store where you got the dress will do this for you. If they don’t, it is your responsibility to keep it flat at all times. If it is necessary to keep it in a vertical position by hanging it, use the loops, not the shoulder straps so that you can avoid the possibility of stretching the dress and also causing this to sag. It is likely that this dress will be completely unique, which is why you need to inquire about the best way to store the dress once the ceremony has concluded via suggestions from a specialist.
Always allow professionals to do the cleaning
It is very tricky, if not difficult, to clean a wedding dress properly. If you make a mistake, a single stain can completely ruin the dress. If you want to remain on the safe side, always let the experts handle the cleaning process.
Here is a wedding dress hack: before going to any specialist, you should use cotton sheets, preferably white, to protect it from harmful substances, dust, and even light.
An expert in this field, from the Budget Savvy Bride, will tell you to ask the maid of honor, or their parents, to be responsible for storing and cleaning the dress.
Try to consult with the best cleaning experts
If you want to choose a wedding gift, this can become overwhelming, but it should never affect your ability to preserve the wedding dress. Pendants will say that you ought to clean it every six months, but not any sooner than that. If the wedding dress is made of silk, it is so important to clean any stains immediately.
Heritage Garment Preservation expert Kathy Wright teaches that some stains are simply not noticeable at first but will appear later on. Clear beverages that are spilled on a dress, for instance, might not look bad at first, but once they dry they can turn brown because of the oxidation process. Bodily perspiration, especially on linen, can discolor the dress and even cause it to become extremely brittle.
Once you decide to clean a wedding dress, not everyone can do this effectively. Local cleaners might be good at removing stains from standard garments like jeans, but when you are dealing with antique tresses, or any type of sensitive fabric or embellishment, you need to use experts to have these garments cleaned.
This is what a professional will do to clean a wedding dress:
Handwashing your dress delicately but thoroughly – it is so important to use organic solvents instead of those that may contain harmful chemicals. Removing stains that are visible with special ingredients. You will need to press the dress as required.
Here is a cleaning tip: always ask questions and never hesitate in doing so. It really depends on the color, fabric, and age of the dress, plus you must also take into account sequins, pearls, and certain types of beads as they will dictate the type of techniques that are used.
It is important to select a professional wedding dress expert to preserve it. If you can preserve your dress appropriately, you can avoid permanent creasing, the appearance of mildew and mold, oxidation, the yellowing of the dress, and also protect it from dust and light.